A small glimmer of hope for Property Rights in America
As amazing as it sounds, the United States Supreme Court has actually ruled against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for their abusive violations of the rights of Mike and Chantell Sackett of...
View ArticleIs Homeland Security planning a war on Americans?
Is the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) planning a war on American citizens? It’s a valid question, I suspect, in the wake of news that DHS has ordered 450 million rounds of .40...
View ArticleRuss Caswell’s Civil Forfeiture Nightmare
Russ Caswell is 68 years old. He has not been charged with a crime, yet the Tewksbury, Massachusetts, Police Department is using civil forfeiture laws to steal both his livelihood and his retirement...
View ArticleUnder Agenda 21 “Property Seizure” is Seen as “Profit-Sharing” by Jane Gaffin
Canada’s Constitution is the supreme law. Any law passed by any federal, provincial, or territorial government that is inconsistent with the constitution is invalid. The next highest law in the...
View ArticlePoorly-Written Laws Are Criminal by Jane Gaffin
“To maintain the ascendancy of the Constitution over the lawmaking majority is the great and essential point on which the success of (any nation’s) system must depend; unless that ascendancy can be...
View ArticleGot an iPhone or iPad? Great! Big Brother loves you and is tracking your...
An interesting story crossed my desk this morning and kicked my spidey senses into overdrive. Why? Big Brother (aka the FBI) was caught spying on us regular folk yet again. FBI Agent Christopher...
View ArticleFreedom of Speech and Marriage Fraud: How can they possibly be connected?
Actually, quite easily, unfortunately. Meet Lainie Towell. Yes, the photo looks a little weird, until you understand why this woman is wearing a wedding dress and carrying a full-size door, white on...
View ArticleThe US Government believes you’re a right-wing terrorist if…
The US Government believes you’re a right-wing terrorist if… you have a brain and aren’t afraid to use it. The US Government routinely demeans, denigrates, ridicules, detests and prosecutes...
View ArticleReverse Onus clause violates the Constitutional Rights of Violent Offenders,...
Gotta love this country, where up is down and left is right. Only in a nation that has completely abandoned rational thought and critical thinking could dangerous offenders have more rights than...
View ArticleLeah-Lynn Plante, Matt Duran and Katherine “Kteoo” Olejnik: Political...
Seriously. Is anyone really surprised that Barack Obama’s Justice and State Departments are staffed with hypocrites? Does anyone believe that statement is untrue? If yes, then you’re either extremely...
View ArticleLeah-Lynn Plante: Guilty until proven innocent, at least as far as the...
It’s a sad fact in today’s America that looks win out over substance every single time. The atrocious treatment of Leah-Lynn Plante is just the latest example of a person being vilified for her...
View ArticleWho needs the Constitution when you can have a Police State instead?
You’ve heard the saying many times before… The solution is worse than the problem it’s supposed to solve. That’s precisely the state of affairs in Paragould, Arkansas, a small town roughly 90 miles...
View ArticleDo Americans Have Civil Rights? Not any more thanks to the US Senate…
Americans had, up until just a few days ago, rights guaranteed under the United States Constitution. That obviously bothered US Lawmakers, who stripped the National Defense Authorization Act of...
View ArticleObama bathes in the blood of victims, gun owners fight back against “gun...
President Barack Obama will do what every “gun control” advocate does when attempting to advanced more Liberty-crushing leftist ideology: he will bathe in the blood of the victims. Worse, he will...
View ArticleFirearm Manufacturers Fight Back Against New York “Assault Weapon” Ban
New York State recently implemented a ban on the sale of AR-15 style firearms, limited magazine capacity to 7 bullets and a state-wide firearm owner licensing standard and gun registry. Naturally,...
View ArticleIllinois State Senator Ira Silverstein desperately needs a history lesson
Illinois State Senator Ira Silverstein desperately needs a history lesson This intellectual neanderthal believes anonymous commenters on the internet are a threat to Freedom and Liberty, forgetting...
View ArticleGuntersville Mayor Leigh Dollar is just another jackbooted thug, albeit with...
Is there no end to the raft of elected officials who cannot comprehend the oath of office they swear? You know, those pesky little section where they affirm they will “support and defend the...
View ArticleMissouri law banning teachers and students from communicating online slammed...
Missouri state legislators decided some time back to outlaw teachers and students from communicating using social media sites like Facebook. Their law passed the state legislature unanimously, which...
View ArticleConservative MP Cheryl Gallant understands why gun owners hate the Firearms...
On Tuesday, February 7, 2012, Conservative MP Cheryl Gallant rose in the House of Commons and made the following speech. In it she highlights why everyday law-abiding Canadian gun owners despise...
View ArticleGun Owners Continue to Face Criminal Charges for a Law That Doesn’t Exist
I am flipping tired of the unmitigated hubris that continues to spur Canada’s game-playing cops and court system in their indefatigable zeal to prosecute innocent gun owners with the same pesky,...
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