Leah-Lynn Plante: Guilty until proven innocent, at least as far as the...
It’s a sad fact in today’s America that looks win out over substance every single time. The atrocious treatment of Leah-Lynn Plante is just the latest example of a person being vilified for her...
View ArticleWho needs the Constitution when you can have a Police State instead?
You’ve heard the saying many times before… The solution is worse than the problem it’s supposed to solve. That’s precisely the state of affairs in Paragould, Arkansas, a small town roughly 90 miles...
View ArticleDo Americans Have Civil Rights? Not any more thanks to the US Senate…
Americans had, up until just a few days ago, rights guaranteed under the United States Constitution. That obviously bothered US Lawmakers, who stripped the National Defense Authorization Act of...
View ArticleObama bathes in the blood of victims, gun owners fight back against “gun...
President Barack Obama will do what every “gun control” advocate does when attempting to advanced more Liberty-crushing leftist ideology: he will bathe in the blood of the victims. Worse, he will...
View ArticleFirearm Manufacturers Fight Back Against New York “Assault Weapon” Ban
New York State recently implemented a ban on the sale of AR-15 style firearms, limited magazine capacity to 7 bullets and a state-wide firearm owner licensing standard and gun registry. Naturally,...
View ArticleIllinois State Senator Ira Silverstein desperately needs a history lesson
Illinois State Senator Ira Silverstein desperately needs a history lesson This intellectual neanderthal believes anonymous commenters on the internet are a threat to Freedom and Liberty, forgetting...
View ArticleGuntersville Mayor Leigh Dollar is just another jackbooted thug, albeit with...
Is there no end to the raft of elected officials who cannot comprehend the oath of office they swear? You know, those pesky little section where they affirm they will “support and defend the...
View ArticleIs Every Phone Call You Make Recorded Without Your Knowledge or Consent?
Constitutions, Charters of Rights and Freedoms, and Bills of Rights mean something under one and only one condition: when those in power choose to follow them. There is not a government in the world...
View ArticleNelson, Georgia, sued by the Perennial Gun-Haters at the Brady Center
On April 3, 2013 I wrote an article titled Why Government Despises Liberty… Thoughts on Bastiat’s classic “The Law” in which I discussed the principles Frederik Bastiat wrote about at length. I...
View ArticleSection 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act is DEAD!!!
Shortly after hearing the Senate would stick around a little longer to deal with outstanding legislation I was pleased they would finally deal with Brian Storseth’s Private Member’s Bill C-304 to...
View ArticleCommon Sense Finally Prevails in Russ Caswell’s Civil Forfeiture Nightmare
Russ Caswell, now 70, spent the last two years fighting local, state and federal agencies over who owns Motel Caswell, the motel owned by his family since 1955. I first wrote about Russ Caswell and...
View ArticlePeoria Mayor Jim Ardis Desperately Needs Thicker Skin
Peoria Mayor Jim Ardis: if you can’t handle being mocked stop being a politician. Mocking and ridicule come with the territory so either get a thicker skin or get yourself a new job. Wasting police...
View ArticleAfter violating his Constitutional Rights, Florida School rescinds suspension...
In a glaring act of cowardice the Lake County School Board suspended Jerry Buell, last year’s Teacher of the Year, for a post he made to his personal Facebook page supporting traditional marriage....
View ArticleMissouri law banning teachers and students from communicating online slammed...
Missouri state legislators decided some time back to outlaw teachers and students from communicating using social media sites like Facebook. Their law passed the state legislature unanimously, which...
View ArticleConservative MP Cheryl Gallant understands why gun owners hate the Firearms...
On Tuesday, February 7, 2012, Conservative MP Cheryl Gallant rose in the House of Commons and made the following speech. In it she highlights why everyday law-abiding Canadian gun owners despise...
View ArticleGun Owners Continue to Face Criminal Charges for a Law That Doesn’t Exist
I am flipping tired of the unmitigated hubris that continues to spur Canada’s game-playing cops and court system in their indefatigable zeal to prosecute innocent gun owners with the same pesky,...
View ArticleVic Toews: Politicians, like diapers, should be changed often, and for the...
While claiming it’s perfectly reasonable for the government to spy on its citizens, the shoe is clearly on the other foot in a lovely social media twist that makes a point to Canada’s Minister of...
View ArticleCastle Doctrine Rebounds in Indiana after stupid Indiana State Supreme Court...
The Indiana State Supreme Court made a ridiculous ruling last year in Barnes v. State (May 12, 2011). That decision said that Indiana state residents had no right to obstruct illegal police invasions...
View ArticleCan you get fired for wearing a symbol of your faith to work? Only if it’s a...
The government of Britain is about to argue before the European Court of Human Rights that because the cross or crucifix is not a “requirement” of the Christian faith, wearing a cross to work is...
View ArticleFreedom of Speech? Not if a politician is nearby!
The old saying that “Truth is stranger than fiction” rang through my head as I read the report that the United States Congress had passed a law making it illegal to protest anywhere near a politician....
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